Recover Password

If you are unable to login, there are one of two possible reasons.

1) If you are new, you first need to activate your account. When you signed up
an email was sent to your account with an activation link. You need to click the link,
or copy paste it into your browser to activate your account.
If you don't see an email from us, please check your spam/junk folders.
Keep in mind that it may take up to 15 minutes for the email to arrive.
If you still don't see an email, try creating another account, or resend your email.

Enter Your Clan Name to Resend Activation Email

Clan Name

2) If you are an established player and can't log in, this is because you are
either typing your login or password incorrectly.
Use one of the options below to recover your password.

If the email address on your account is obsolete, please email us so we may
update your account.

Enter your clan name and a Password Recovery link will be emailed to you.

Clan Name

Or enter your email address and your clan name and a Password Recovery link will be emailed to you.

Email Address

Please be sure to check your email junk/spam folders if you don't see an email from us.
If you continue to have problems, please email us.

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